The First Episode That Never Was, From SAHM to 27K in One Month. Part Two: How I Did It

I once heard an extremely successful business owner say that she gives away all her secrets. But here's the key, it’s up to you if you implement them! This episode is pretty much a huge overhaul of everything I’ve done in my business to get to where I am today.

I’m a big believer that you can learn something applicable to your life from another's story. I mean, Jonah taught me to stay away from whales and to this day I’ve never had to live inside the belly of one!

All jokes aside, I want you to get some key takeaways from my story. Learn from my mistakes, take note of my victories and apply them to your life and business. I honestly believe if you put into action the principles from this episode, you’ll have a hard time NOT seeing growth in your business!

You can achieve your goals. Sometimes all you need is a little training and help from those who have gone before you. Consider me your business guinea pig--I’ve tried just about everything so you don’t have to!

So grab a pen and jot down these ideas so you can expand your business and your life, TODAY as quickly as humanly possible.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • The things that made a huge difference in expanding my business
  • HOW my business went from nothing to making $27K in one month
  • How to choose an area for your mom business
  • How to find your ‘why’ behind your business
  • How to set goals for your business
  • How to set boundaries in this type of business
  • How to delegate tasks to get more done
  • How future pacing is and how to use it in your life

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