Your secret weapon for the new year....Etsy Stats!

For the success of your Etsy shop - and as we've been discussing, you must take a look at what worked in the past and what hasn’t to prioritize and move forward. I’m going to tell you – there is a not-so-secret weapon that you can use to your advantage when it comes to analyzing your business’s data. I use it, and I want you to know that you can use it too!

The information that is gathered and stored about your business is easier to find and utilize than you’d imagine. This convenient window into your data is the all-time best tool to use when making decisions, and you can access it right at the tips of your fingers. You might be wondering what it is.

Etsy Stats!

This tool is a window into the buyer’s mind. You’ll be able to decipher what it is that they’re looking for, what they’re partial to, and what claims their attention – at the touch of a few buttons. With all of this information available to you, you can easily use it to assist you in successfully moving forward in 2020. Who doesn’t want that?

Let me be honest – it can be overwhelming to try to decipher what all the numbers and data available to you means, and how to use it to your advantage. This is where I come in. I’m going to break it down for you in a way that’s easy to understand. After listening to this podcast, you’ll be able to leverage your data to assist in product creation, marketing, and decision making for the year ahead.


Join me as I discuss the most important areas to pay attention to, how to decipher the information, and how to build accurate assumptions that will drive your marketing and new product creation efforts moving forward.  

You will be amazed at just what can be learned from your Etsy stats.  You will be able to take your business to the next level. 

What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • What Etsy Stats is and where to locate the data.
  • The most important things to take notice of for success in the future.
  • How to find your shop’s visits, most popular months, what’s selling most, and more!
  • How any ads that were promoted helped or hindered your business.
  • What the past trends were, and how you can use this info for the future.
  • I’ll also share what has personally worked for me and my business and how you can use these tips too!


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