What Are SVG Cut Files + How Do I Make Them?

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Sometimes I get so caught up in my own little working world, that I forget some of my followers are new and may have no clue what an SVG cut file design is, let alone how to design one. I am so passionate and excited to share everything I do that I forget about the basics. So forgive me, and allow me to explain.

Why did I choose graphic design? How did I start my online business? And...How does it work? This is the backbone of my business...my bread and butter...my everyday! Why in the world haven’t I made an episode about this sooner? *facepalm*

What exactly do you do, Kasey?

I design and sell SVG cut files full-time and I LOVE IT!!!  My background is in graphic design, internet marketing and computer information technology. Designing digital files on a computer and selling them online was a perfect match for me. If you want to give designing SVG’s a try but you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry. I got your back! No experience required. Just listen to this episode and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • My background in design and why I got started designing cut files
  • What a SVG cut file is
  • Why this is a passive income opportunity
  • How to create a cut file

Mentioned On The Show:


Kasey | Pen + Posh

It is okay to purchase personal right now while you’re learning. Once you get bigger and have revenue coming in you can then upgrade to the business package.


I am looking at Adobe Illustrator and all the packages they offer. Do you recommend buying the AI for business if I plan on selling files eventually? Or is it okay to purchase personal?

Kasey | Pen + Posh

Hi Angela, to make a true SVG file end in .svg you’ll need to have a program like AI or Inkscape to create these. If you are wanting to sell your files then this is what you’ll need. They do not have AI on the iPad Pro right now, the app they have doesn’t save it to an SVG format. I have high hopes that they are moving in this direction but AI is such a BIG program that I do not if the iPad Pro at this time can handle it. I do use the Procreate app to draw some of my designs, this is on the iPad Pro. But I still have to export them to png format, then import them into AI to vectorize and save as an SVG file. Hope that helps!


Can AI be used on an iPad Pro or do you have to have a computer? I am interested in making svg to sell but do not own a computer. Can it all be done from start to finish on an iPad?

Thank you,

Kasey | Pen + Posh

Hi Sherry,
It is confusing! And can be very frustrating at times. The process I have may be different than others you have seen because I have created this myself. I have found that by expanding the type or object, actually works a lot better than outlining and results in far less errors.
I dive into this process with my students in the Designer’s Guide to SVG’s at www.penandposh.com/course It is pretty confusing to do over text so I think the course would definitely be a great option for you where this course is geared towards those who will be selling SVG’s or making them for their own cutting business.
Anyways, hope that helps some.

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