Etsy is Too Saturated...Truth or Myth?

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You’re so excited. Your friends love your handmade gifts and encourage you to sell them. You think you could make some extra money doing what you love! There’s just one thought in the back of your mind that won’t be silenced...isn’t Etsy too saturated now??

I get it. This question comes up A LOT and it’s perfectly normal. Why? Because if you’re going to get out of your comfort zone and put your work out there for the world to see, you want it to succeed. No, you NEED it succeed.

You don’t want to put in a bunch of work to set up an Etsy shop just for it to tank. We entrepreneurs take calculated risks--ones we know will have a high return! So we gotta be sure about this Etsy thing before we take the plunge.

Well, I’m here to discuss with you my reasons for why it is not too saturated and why the odds are actually in your favor! We will even be diving a bit into how the Etsy platform operates….which you’ll definitely want to hear because understanding algorithms is the key to success online!

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • My four reasons why Etsy is NOT overly saturated
  • Background on the Etsy platform-how it’s worked in the past and why they WANT their sellers to succeed!
  • The cold, hard proof that you can be successful in launching an Etsy business today! 
  • Decisions Etsy is making and actions they are taking to help YOU out.  
  • My experience selling on Etsy as well as helping several students sell on their platform.

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